For application to kill cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, spiders, fleas, millipedes, slaters, earwigs, wasps, flies
Cockroaches – Spray skirting boards, under cupboards, behind stoves and refrigerators, and other places where cockroaches live and hide.
Silverfish – Spray architraves, bookshelves, and other areas where paper is stored.
Ants – Spray around garbage bins and food disposal areas and entry points.
Carpet Beetles – Lightly spray under carpets, lounge chairs and along skirting boards.
Fleas – Infested rooms should be closed and treated by thoroughly spraying the carpet. Ventilate the room 4 hours after use. Ensure adequate ventilation during use.
Spiders – Spray where cobwebs appear.
Clothes Moths – Spray storage areas and in emptied drawers and wardrobes.
Bed Bugs – Spray areas where bedbugs hide such as bed frames, doors and skirting boards.
Millipedes, earwigs – Thoroughly spray surfaces where they are found or where they enter homes to maintain an insecticide barrier.
Slaters (woodlice, common pillbug) – Spray surfaces where they congregate, eg in laundries, sheds and under pot plants.
Flies – Spray surfaces where flies settle. For outdoor yard control, spray garbage bins and around unit incinerators & barbecues.
Wasps – Directly spray wasp nests or apply as a residual surface treatment on sheltered surfaces