Eco-Oil HIPPO Enhanced is a registered organic miticide/insecticide spray made from Australian grown plant oils and botanical extracts. Eco-oil controls a broad range of insects including scale, mites, aphids, whitefly, mealybugs and leaf miner.
Eco-oil is safe for insects like bees and ladybeetles which are beneficial.
There is no withholding period. So it is safe for use on edible fruit and vegetables crops also reduces the risk of foliage being burnt compared to other mineral based sprays like white oil.
Eco-oil can also be used as an additive to improve and help stick to plants sprayed. Available 500ml
Eco-oil control a range of problem insects with this organic, miticide and insecticide. Eco-Oil contains 100% plant oils with no petroleum derivatives and is made in Australia using locally grown plant oils. Eco-oil is targeted at a range of pest insects including, scale, two-spotted mite, aphids, whitefly, mealybugs, citrus leaf miner. Eco-oil attracts beneficial insects to your gardens such as bees, lady beetles, earthworms. Eco oil can be mixed with eco-neem. Eco-oil can be applied using the Swagman Electric sprayer
Trees can be sprayed with Eco-oil every 10 to 14 days with Eco-Oil it is best to start your pest control spraying for garden insect early spring whilst the pest bugs are young. Spray products such asEco-oilfortnightly to provide an organic defense. Apply good coverage to leaves including their undersides.
Registered as an Organic product
pest control in your vegetable patch & ornamental garden
No withholding period
Eco Neem used with Garden Swagman Electric Sprayer
Swagman Electric Sprayer Wilson’s Pest Control
Eco Rose
Eco Seaweed by OCP
Eco Oil
Eco-neem Lr Swagman Sprayer
Eco Fungicide
Slasher Organic Weedkiller – applied with the Swagman Electric Sprayer