Many of our customers ask the question…
Should I go ahead with a pest service if the weather is wet or extremely hot?
In our opinion, It is best to wait for dry weather. The hot heat over 35 degree & heavy rains it is not a viable time to conduct a pest service. Rendering the chemical spray non-effective and the customer calling back as the service was not effective. The spray needs to dry properly & adhere to the surface that it’s sprayed on.
When chemicals are sprayed on wet days they do not dry properly and when spraying on a moist surface it is like painting on a wet day. Not to mention the fact that the chemicals run into the soil or drains making it ineffective where it is needed to be sprayed i.e. exterior wall of residence or business. Chemicals must not be sprayed near drains or waterways, all chemicals are poisonous to aquatic life and that is why the product suppliers give strict instructions that chemicals are to be sprayed on porous and non-porous surfaces to ensure even and generous application but do not exceed the point of run-off. Therefore no puddles of the chemical are to be present when applying a pest service spray at a property or business.
Wilson’s Pest Control – Our supplier’s label provides restraints for use.
Outdoor PEST CONTROL Product
DO NOT use this product at less than indicated label rates.
DO NOT apply to soils if excessively wet or immediately after heavy rain to avoid run-off of the chemical.
DO NOT use in cavity walls (except via certified cavity infill reticulation systems or direct treatment of nest).
Indoor PEST CONTROL Product
Insecticide: DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Restraints:
DO NOT use this product at less than indicated label rates.
DO NOT apply to soils if excessively wet or immediately after heavy rain to avoid run-off of the chemical.
DO NOT use in cavity walls for termite treatment (except via certified cavity infill reticulation systems or direct treatment of nest).
DO NOT apply to mud, sand, mangrove or aquatic habitat.
DO NOT apply as an Ultra Low Volume (ULV) or via thermal fogging treatment.
DO NOT use in situations where predatory mites are established and providing effective mite control.
DO NOT apply if rainfall is expected before spray deposits dry on leaf surfaces.